วันพุธที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Muhammad Al-Idris

Al-Idrisi (Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdallah Ibn Idris al-Qurtubi al-Hasani) was born in 1099 at Centa, Morocco. He was a direct descendant of the prophet Muhammad. He studied at Cordoba, Spain, and after many travels spent his life in the service of the Norman King, Roger II of Sicily. Perhaps because of his service to a Christian king he was generally ignored by Muslim historians and biographers.
     Prior to Roger II's death in 1154 al-Idrisi constructed a celestial globe and a circular world map of pure silver. The map shown on  this stamp portrays the world map. South is at the top of the map, and, with the map turned upside down, the Mediterranean Sea, Europe, Asia, and Africa are easily identified. The Arabian peninsula is in the center of the map.

Earli life
Al-Idrisi traced his descent through long line of Princes, Caliphs and Sufi leaders, to The Prophet Muhammad. His immediate forebears, the Hammudids (1016–1058), were an offshoot of the Idrisids (789-985).
Al-Idrisi was born in Ceuta, where his great-grandfather had fled after the fall of Málaga in Al-Andalus (1057). He spent much of his early life travelling through North Africa, and Spain and seems to have acquired a detail information on both regions. He visited Anatolia when he was barely 16. He is known to have studied in Córdoba, and later taught in Constantine, Algeria.
Apparently his travels took him to many parts of Europe including Portugal, the Pyrenees, the French Atlantic coast, Hungary, and Jórvík also known asYork, in England.

Al-Idrisi is best known in the West as the geographer who made a silver globe for King Roger II of Sicily. On a 400 kilogram ball of silver, he meticulously recorded the seven continents with trade routes, lakes and rivers, major cities, plains and mountains. He included such information as distance, length and height as appropriate. The globe was accompanied by his book, Al-Kitab al-Rujari (Roger's Book). He also made a second representation of the known world on a disc.
Like Muslim geographers before him, Al-Idrisi traveled many distant places, including Europe, to gather geographical data. The Muslim geographers had already made accurate measurements of the earth's surface, and several maps of the whole world were available. Al-Idrisi combined this available knowledge with his own findings to create comprehensive information for all parts of the known world. As his fame spread, he gained the attention of European sea navigators and military planners and eventually that of Roger II, the Norman King of Sicily, who invited him to produce an up-to-date world map. Al-Idrisi was better known than other Muslim geographers because ships and navigators from the North Sea, Atlantic, and Mediterranean frequented Sicily which was under Muslim rule before King Roger. Muslim works were freely available for transmission to Europe through Latin West. Al-Idrisi's book 'Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq,'(The Delight of Him Who Desires to Journey Through The Climates) is a geographical encyclopedia containing detailed maps and information on European countries, Africa, and Asia. He later compiled a more comprehensive encyclopedia, entitled 'Rawd-Unnas wa-Nuzhat al-Nafs' (Pleasure of Men and Delight of Souls). Al-Idrisi's knowledge of the Niger above Timbuktu, the Sudan, and of the head waters of the Nile was remarkable for its accuracy.Several of his books were translated into Latin and his books on geography were popular for several centuries. One translation, published in 1619 in Rome, was an abridged edition and the translator did not credit Al-Idrisi. Although Europe took several centuries to make use of his globe and world map, Christopher Columbus used a map originally taken from Al-Idrisi's work.
Al-Idrisi also made major contributions in the science of medicinal plants and wrote several books, the most popular entitled 'Kitab al-Jami-li-Sifat Ashtat al-Nabatat.' He reviewed and synthesized all literature on the subject and associated drugs available to him from Muslim scientists with those from his own research and travels. He contributed this material to the subject of botany with emphasis on medicinal plants, describing the names of the drugs in several languages including Berber, Syriac, Persian, Hindi, Greek, and Latin. Al-Idrisi also called on knowledge gained through travels to write on zoology and fauna.


Muhammad Al-Idris

